The dark Universe : 2016

The public lecture : "The dark Universe" by Dr. Laura Parker

On 24.05.2016 at 18:30 in the Joliot Hall of ESPCI Paris, 10 rue Vauquelin 75005 Paris

Subject : Observational cosmology, dark matter

Brief Summary : Over the past few decades it has become clear that most of the mass in the Universe is in an unseen form we call dark matter. I will present the observational evidence leading to this remarkable realization and then focus in particular on the tool of gravitational lensing and how we can use lensing to study the distribution of matter in the universe. I will finish my talk with a discussion of the discovery of dark energy and discuss possibilities for what this mysterious ’energy’ might be.
by Laura Parker

The poster of the event :

PDF - 1.3 Mo

Do not hesitate to contact us for more information : procyon (arobase)

Image source :

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